Wingify EngineeringWingify Engineering

SuperElasticsearch - More Python goodness in elasticsearch-py

Vaidik Kapoor

Written by Vaidik Kapoor

We have been using Elasticsearch for storing analytics data. This data stored in Elasticsearch is used in the Post Report Segmentation feature in VWO. So the amount of data getting stored in Elasticsearch is tied up to the number of campaigns currently being run by our customers. And often we need to have custom tooling to work with this data and the requirements of such tooling are also not common. This blog post is about how we solved some issues by building some missing blocks in the Official Elasticsearch Python client while working on this project.

The code base where implementation of this feature (Post Report Segmentation) lies is all written in Python. When we were starting out, we had to decide which client to use because there were many out there. Eliminating some was really easy because they were tied to certain frameworks like Tornado and Twisted. And we were not sure which path to take initially so we decided to keep things simple, avoid early optimization and not use any of these framework heavily dependent on Non-Blocking IO. If we needed any of that later, Gevent could be put to use (in fact that’s exactly what we did). Even for the simpler way there were quite a few options. The deciding factors for us were:

  1. Maintenance commitment from the author
  2. Un-opinionated
  3. Simple design

Considering all these factors, we decided to go with the Official Python Client for Elasticsearch. And we didn't really come across any issues and problems according to our simple requirements. It is fairly extensible and comes with some standard batteries included with it. For everything else, you can extend it - thanks to its simple design.

It worked well for a while until we had to add some internal tooling where we needed to work a lot with Elasticsearch's Scroll API and Bulk APIs.

Bulk API

Elasticsearch's Bulk API lets you club together multiple individual API calls into one. This is used a lot in speeding up indexing and can be very useful if you are doing a lot of write operations in Elasticsearch.

The way you work with Bulk APIs is that you construct a different kind of request body for bulk requests and use the client for sending that request data. The HTTP API that Elasticsearch exposes for bulk operations is semantically different than the API for individual operations.

Consider this. If you were to index a new document, update an existing document and delete another existing document in Elasticsearch, you can do it like so:

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch

client = Elasticsearch(hosts=['localhost:9200'])
client.index(index='test_index_1', doc_type='test_doc_type',
client.update(index='test_index_3', doc_type='test_doc_type',
              id=456, body={
                  'script': 'ctx._source.count += count',
                  'params': {
                      'count': 1
client.delete(index='test_index_2', doc_type='test_doc_type',

If you were to achieve the same thing using Bulk APIs, you would end up writing code like this:

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch

client = Elasticsearch(hosts=['localhost:9200'])

bulk_body = ''

# index operation body
bulk_body += '{ "index" : { "_index" : "test_index_1", "_type" : "test_doc_type", "_id" : "1" } }\n'
bulk_body += '{ "key1": "val1" }\n'

# update operation body
bulk_body += '{ "update" : {"_id" : "456", "_index" : "test_index_3", "_type" : "test_doc_type"} }\n'
bulk_body += '{ "script": "ctx._source.count += count", "params": { "count": 1 } }\n'

# delete operation body
bulk_body += '{ "delete" : { "_index" : "test_index_2", "_type" : "test_doc_type", "_id" : "123" } }'

# finally, make the request

There is a ton of difference in how bulk operations work on the code and API level as compared to individual operations.

  1. The request body is considerably different in Bulk APIs as compared to their individual APIs.
  2. The responsibility of properly serializing request body is now shifted to the developer whereas this can be handled at the client level.
  3. Serialization format itself is a mixup of JSON and new-line character separated string.

If you are depending a lot on bulk operations, these problems will bite you when you start using it at a lot of places in your code. The flexibility of manipulating bulk request bodies at will lacks with the current support for Bulk APIs.

The official client as well does not really take care of this issue - not blaming because the author's objective is to be as unopinionated as possible and this also gave us the chance to do it our way instead of adopt an existing implementation. We wanted to use Bulk API the same way we would use individual APIs. And why shouldn't it be the same! They are essentially individual operations put together and executed on a different end-point.

Our solution for this was to provide a BulkClient which would allow you to start a bulk operation, execute bulk operations in a way that you would execute individual operations and then when you want to execute them together, it will make the required request body and use the Elasticsearch client to make the request. Exposing bulk operations in a way that semantically look the same as individual operations required us to implement APIs similar to individual APIs on a very high level in the BulkClient.

This is how the BulkClient works:

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch

client = Elasticsearch(hosts=['localhost:9200'])

bulk = BulkClient(client)
bulk.index(index='test_index_1', doc_type='test_doc_type',
bulk.delete(index='test_index_2', doc_type='test_doc_type',
bulk.update(index='test_index_3', doc_type='test_doc_type',
            id=456, body={
                'script': 'ctx._source.count += count',
                'params': {
                    'count': 1
resp = bulk.execute()

Scroll API

The next problem we faced was with Scroll API.

According to the documentation:

While a search request returns a single "page" of results, the scroll API can be used to retrieve large numbers of results (or even all results) from a single search request, in much the same way as you would use a cursor on a traditional database.

Scroll API is helpful if you want to work with a large number of documents - more like get them out of Elasticsearch.

The problem with Scroll API is that it requires you to do a lot of book keeping. You have to keep scroll_id after every iteration to get the next set of documents. Depending upon your application, there is probably no work around. However, our use-case was to get a large number of documents all together. You can do that without Scroll API as well i.e. by using the size parameter where you can tell Elasticsearch how many documents to return and you can ask it to return all documents by using the Count Search API first and then passing the size, but that will usually time out (or at least it did for us). So what we did was scroll Elasticsearch in a loop and do the book keeping in the code. And that was simple as well until we had to do it at multiple places

  • there was no uniform way to do that and a lot of code repetition was done as well.

Our solution to this problem was to create a separate wrapper API only for this purpose and use that everywhere in our project. So we wrote a simple function that would do the book-keeping for us and it could be used like so:

def scrolled_search(es, scroll, *args, **kwargs):
    Iterator for Elasticsearch Scroll API.

    :param es: Elasticsearch client object
    :param str scroll: scroll expiry time according to Elasticsearch Scroll API

    ... Note:: this function accepts `*args` and ``**kwargs`` and passes them
               as they are to :meth:`` method.


es = Elasticsearch(hosts=['localhost:9200'])
for docs in scrolled_search(es, '10m', index='tweets'):
    for doc in docs:
        print doc

Iterator based Scrolling in elasticsearch-py

We must highlight that the official client also added support for iterator based scrolling later in the official client as a helper. We had already started using our solution in our project and we find ours is slightly different than theirs. For more details, read the docs here.

SuperElasticsearch - elasticsearch-py with goodies!

Our solution to both the problems described earlier were based on the official Elasticsearch client. After having solved these two problems, we figured that instead of passing around the client object to our new API, it will be nicer if we can use the new APIs in a way that it feels a part of the client itself. So we went ahead and sub-classed the existing client class Elasticsearch to make it easier to use the new APIs. You can use the sub-classed client SuperElasticsearch like so:

from superelasticsearch import SuperElasticsearch

client = SuperElasticsearch(hosts=['localhost:9200'])

# Example of using Scrolled Search
for doc in client.itersearch(index='test_index', doc_type'tweets',
    # do something with doc here
    print doc

# Example of using Bulk Operations
bulk = client.bulk_operation()
bulk.index(index='test_index_1', doc_type='test_doc_type',
bulk.delete(index='test_index_2', doc_type='test_doc_type',
bulk.update(index='test_index_3', doc_type='test_doc_type',
            id=456, body={
                'script': 'ctx._source.count += count',
                'params': {
                    'count': 1
resp = bulk.execute()

This has also made it easy for us to do releases of SuperElasticsearch. SuperElasticsearch does not depend on the official client in ways that it will break compatibility with new releases of the official client, or if it will then we can make the adjustments and come up with a new release. Basically it has been written in a way to work with new versions of the official client with minimum friction. If a new release of the official client comes out, then you should be able to upgrade to the new Elasticsearch client without upgrading SuperElasticsearch. This way we can try to keep developing SuperElasticsearch at its own pace and release only when we have new features to release or when it breaks compatibility. It also makes it easier for you to use the new APIs because you get all of them with the client object itself.

SuperElasticsearch is available on Github.