Wingify at Meta Refresh 2015

Written by Apoorv Saxena
After hosting the Meta Refresh Delhi Runup Event, it was time for us at Wingify to prep up for MetaRefresh. We were very excited to contribute back to the community by not just sponsoring MetaRefresh, but also by adding content to the conference through a talk and a workshop, both focused towards Web Performance.
We started off our journey from Delhi to Bangalore on 15th May, a day before the conference, and were welcomed by awesome weather at Bangalore. We took off early the next morning and grabbed our bags to march towards MLR Convention Centre, Bangalore to setup our company booth. The setup didn’t take much time, and we were ready to welcome fellow attendees to share more about Wingify through our stall.
While speaking to the attendees, many expressed their interest to get interviewed at Wingify. Usually, we redirect the interested candidates to mail their resume to [email protected] and follow the procedure, though this time, we gave it a unique touch, while using a Hack developed by Paras (our Founder & CEO), on a hack night. It was a mystery containing different hints that lead to the next clue, solved using browser’s developer console. It was great fun to watch attendees trying their best to crack the hints and unravel the mystery, though only few were able to solve it.
Some moments captured during Meta Refresh 2015:

A generic issue discussed in majority of the talks was regarding the maintenance of mobile web version of businesses after the successful creation of native apps on most popular mobile platforms. Several supporting /contradictory arguments were made with regard to this topic, though the most logical were in favor of supporting mobile web version as well. Several speakers shared their experience of the efforts involved in maintaining the web version or making the web experience as great as the one delivered through the native apps.
Performance was another major topic discussed in several talks, involving not just the networking performance of web applications, but also the rendering performance as well. Another big discussion revolved around achieving jank free performance while performing animations in not just the web applications, but games as well. Several techniques and approaches were discussed in the talks that shared the experience of speakers on the quest to achieve 60fps in web applications.
We had a great time being part of MetaRefresh 2015, and look forward to more such events, so stay tuned with our different social media channels (Twitter, Facebook) to meet us at another conference.