Wingify EngineeringWingify Engineering

JSFoo 2014 Delhi Run-up Event + JS Contest

Himanshu Kapoor

Written by Himanshu Kapoor

August 25, 2014 — 4 Min Read |  0 Comments

The front-end has become the heart of today's web application development, and JavaScript drives a core part of it. New technologies, libraries, frameworks and the likes come up each day, and the existing ones continue to grow and evolve as time goes by. There is so much to learn, and so many learnings of your own to share, that community involvement becomes indispensable.

Our single-page application, VWO, is powered by a nifty combination of web technologies on the front-end, ranging from Grunt to AngularJS. The development process of the new version of the application was very rapid and full of challenges. We had dabbled into the previously unexplored territory of single-page application development at such a large scale, and having pulled it off in a relatively short span of time has been quite a feat.

Sponsoring JSFoo

For the very reason of community involvement being indispensable for better development, we are sponsoring JSFoo 2014 in Bangalore this year. Our engineers will be present at the conference. Should you be interested in our work, and would like to know more about what we do, want to work with us, or just want to say Hi!, drop by our booth (B1), or catch any of our team members at the event.

JSFoo Run-up Event (Delhi)

We're also hosting a run-up event at our office in Pitampura, Delhi on 6th September 2014. There will be talks and a workshop too.

Join us at the run-up event. RSVP here.

As a part of the run-up event, we're organising an online JavaScript competition.

Online JavaScript Competition - Visualize

The premise of this competition is simple - to use JavaScript and HTML5 canvas to create something visually appealing. The theme of the competition is Squares. You are free to create anything with JavaScript, canvas and squares.

If visualizations, particle effects, fractals, interactivity, JavaScript and canvas are some of the words that excite you, this is the competition for you. Below are some examples of JS creativity:

Below are some valid sample entries:

Making Submissions

Submissions for the competition need to be done as a deck on CSSDeck. Read here to know about submitting on CSSDeck. Optionally, you can also submit your entry via another code submission site like Codepen, or by uploading it on your server. Once you are ready with your submission, please tweet it using the following template:

I submitted an entry for Wingify-JSFoo online competition: <CSSDeck link here> @wingify @jsfooindia #wingifyjsfoocompo #js

Let the submissions begin!


  1. The deadline for the competition is 20th September 2014, 23:59 IST.
  2. Your entry should use Javascript, HTML5 Canvas and Squares to create something visually appealing.
  3. CoffeeScript is allowed.
  4. Judgement will primarily be based on visual appeal. Secondary parameters include code quality and smoothness.
  5. Multiple entries by a single participant are allowed.
  6. Bonus points for using vanilla JS.
  7. The results will be announced after 20th September 2014 here on the blog as well as on our twitter account: @wingify.
  8. You must be living in India to be eligible for this competition.

If you have any questions or suggestions, comment on this post or send us an email.


The best two entries in the competition will be rewarded with prizes. There are three consolation prizes as well.

Winner Prize

Runner-up Prize

Consolation Prizes

  • Software licenses of Sublime Text or JetBrains WebStorm.

Wingify @ JSFoo

Our engineers will be present at the conference. If you are interested in our work, want to know more about what we are doing, want to work with us (we're hiring), get some cool goodies or just want to say Hi!, please visit our booth (B1) or catch any of our team members. We’d love to talk to you!

We look forward to meeting in Delhi for the run-up event and in Bangalore for the conference!

Edit - 23rd September 2014

Results for our JS competition are out!

You will be contacted individually for further process. Congratulations!