JSFoo Delhi Run-up Event @ Wingify

Written by Suchit Puri
Last week, we announced that Wingify would be sponsoring the JSFoo 2014 conference in Bangalore. We have always been looking out for opportunities to give back to the community, and what could have been better than hosting a run-up event for JSFoo in Delhi. We got in touch with HasGeek and expressed interest in hosting the Delhi run-up event. They were more than happy to let us do so.
Since it was the first time we hosted such a big event, we were both excited and nervous. We had started preparing for the event about a month in advance. To market the event, we spread out information about the event on meetup groups we were connected with, and also created a Facebook event for it. In total, we received about 100-120 signups for the event. Of all the signups, we expected about one-third of them to actually turn up for the event, for whom we started to arrange for food and logistics.
What’s exciting is that more than 50 external guests from 30 different companies and colleges showed up. We were really humbled with such great turnout and would like to thank each one of you who joined us for the event.
The event started on time (10:30am) with Suchit Puri taking the stage. He welcomed us to the event and introduced the first speaker Rudi M.K., who was about to speak on “A new approach to scientific computing using JavaScript“. He talked about the possibilities of using JavaScript for mathematical and scientific computing. He had a few examples of using JavaScript on the server side for complex mathematical computation. It was really enlightening to see so many libraries coming up in support of scientific computing in the JavaScript ecosystem.

Next was the workshop on “Learning JS concepts/techniques by implementing jQuery” from our very own Kushagra Gour . He had created a very interesting web based system specially for this workshop which he called “Prayas”. It allows the organizer to set JavaScript test cases and the participants to enter the JavaScript code which is evaluated against these test cases. It also has a very good UI which updates in real time giving you a good idea of how many of the participants have submitted in the code correctly.This made the workshop really interactive wherein the participants implemented some basic jquery methods in javascript.

The workshop was followed by lunch after which we had Shwetank Dixit talking on “Understanding WebRTC: A Whirlwind Tour”. Shwetank introduced WebRTC and then went in-depth on the topic, explaining how the technology works and how are different network related problems addressed. He also showed some really cool WebRTC demos. Appear.in was one of them. We hope that attendees would have gone back and tried WebRTC.

Next was our very own Himanshu Kapoor talking on “Managing API Resources and Their Relationships on the Front-end“. This was indeed a very interesting talk wherein Himanshu talked about how we handle RESTFul resources on the front-end. The talk was primarily about our learnings of maintaining API resources and their relationships with using our internal project called ResourceManager for AngularJS (soon to be open sourced).
The last talk of the day was presented by Ankit Rastogi on “Ten Useful JavaScript Tips & Best Practices”. It was a very interesting interactive presentation on JavaScript optimizations tips and tricks. The presentation had a lot of questions which asked the audience to find whats wrong with the code, this made everyone really interested in the presentation. Everyone was really amazed by how implementing very simple things you can get many folds of processing/speed improvement in your code.
The day ended on a high note with everyone really appreciating the speakers and the organizers for all the hard work everyone put in. There were a lot of discussion after the event on organizing more such events for different communities in Delhi NCR region. Wingify as a company believes in engaging and giving back to the community and we would be more than happy to host more such events in future. If you feel that there is any technology related community which needs a place to host the event, please write to us at [email protected].
Presentation slides from the event:
- A new approach to scientific computing using JavaScript - Rudi M. K.
- Learning JS concepts/techniques by implementing jQuery - Kushagra Gour
- Managing API Resources and Their Relationships on the Front-end - Himanshu Kapoor
- Ten Useful JavaScript Tips & Best Practices - Ankit Rastogi
- Understanding WebRTC: A Whirlwind Tour - Shwetank Dixit
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